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All Scout/Guide Associations in Every Country (continued)

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National Associations are listed by country as follows:


Name of Association (total membership if known)
International Affiliation / Word for 'Scout' / Scout Motto

99. Liberia

Liberia Scout Association
WOSM (7841) / Scout / Be Prepared

Liberian Girl Guides Association
WAGGGS (6425) / Guide

Deaf Scout Association of Liberia
WOIS / Scout

100. Libya

Public Scout and Girl Guide Movement
WOSM+WAGGGS: WOSM (24 775) + WAGGGS (7728) / Kashaf / Wa a'eddou ('Be Prepared' in Arabic)

101. Liechtenstein

Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Liechtensteins (PPL)
WOSM+WAGGGS: WOSM (738) + WAGGGS (320) / Pfadfinder/Pfadfinderin / Allzeit Bereit ('Always Prepared' in German)

102. Lithuania

Lietuvos Skautija
WOSM (3000) / Skauta / Budek ('Be Prepared' in Lithuanian)

Lietuvos Skaucia Seserija (LSS)
WAGGGS (652)

Lietuvos Nacionaline Europos Skautu Asociacija
FSE / Skaut

Zwiazku Harcerstwa Polskiego na Litwie [Association of Polish Scouts in Lithuania]
CES / Harcerz

103. Luxembourg

Scouting in Luxembourg
WOSM umbrella federation (7902)

Fédération Nationale des Eclaireurs et Eclaireuses du Luxembourg (FNEL)
WOSM sub-association; open / Scout/Guide / Trei zum Land ('Loyal to the country' in Luxembourgish)

Letzebürger Guiden a Scouten (LGS)
WOSM+WAGGGS sub-association: WAGGGS (1944); open/Christian / Explorer/Aventure / Emmer Bereet ('Always Prepared' in Luxembourgish) / Toujours Prêt (in French)

Europa Scouten vu Lïtzebuerg
FSE / Scout

104. Macedonia

Sojuz na Izvidnici na Makedonija
WOSM (2787 / (Scout) / Bidi Podgotven ('Be Prepared' in Macedonian)

105. Madagascar

Firaisan'ny Skotisma Eto Madagasikara
WOSM umbrella federation (50 041) / Vonona hatrany hatrany ('Always Prepared' in Malagasy)

Skotisma Zazavavy eto Madagasikara / Fédération du Scoutisme Féminin de Madagascar
WAGGGS umbrella federation (84 931)

Kiadin'i Madagasikara
WOSM+WAGGGS sub-association; general

Antilin'i Madagasikara
WOSM sub-association; Catholic

Tily Eto Madagasikara
WOSM sub-association; Unionist

Fanilon'I Madagasikara / Guides de Madagascar
WAGGGS sub-association

106. Malawi

Scout Association of Malawi
WOSM (101 610) / Scout / Konzekerani ('Be Prepared' in Chichewa)

The Malawi Girl Guides Association (MAGGA)
WAGGGS (233 997) / Guide

107. Malaysia

Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia
WOSM (117 391) / Pengakap / Sentiasa Bersedia ('Always Ready' in Malay)

Persatuan Pandu Puteri, Malaysia
WAGGGS (133 367)

108. Maldives

The Scout Association of Maldives
WOSM (10 726) / Scout / Abadhuves Thayyarah ('Be Prepared' in Divehi)

Maldives Girl Guide Association
WAGGGS (10 149) / Guide

109. Mali

Guides et Scouts Catholiques de Mali
NON / Scout/Guide

Scouts du Mali
NON / Scout / Toujours Prêt ('Always Prepared' in French)

110. Malta

The Scout Association of Malta
WOSM (3639) / Scout / Kun Lest ('Be Prepared' in Maltese)

Malta Girl Guides Association
WAGGGS (1212) / Guide

Baden-Powell Scouts Malta
WFIS / Scout

111. Marshall Islands

Scouting exists

112. Mauritania

Association des Scouts et Guides de Mauritanie
WOSM+WAGGGS: WOSM (3724) + WAGGGS (1371) / Kashaf / Kun Musta'idan ('Be Prepared' in Arabic) / Sois Prêt (in French)

113. Mauritius

The Mauritius Scout Association
WOSM (2388) / Scout / Toujours Prêts ('Always Prepared' in French)

The Mauritius Girl Guides Association
WAGGGS (1220) / Guide

114. Mexico

Asociación de Scouts de México
WOSM (44 731) / Scout / Siempre Listo ('Always Ready' in Spanish)

Guías de México, AC
WAGGGS (2143) / Guía

Agrupación Scout Mexicana AC
WFIS / Scout

Asociación de Exploradores Independientes de México

Asociación Tradicionalista de Scouts Tiro y Pesca AC

Federación Mexicana de Scouts Independientes (FMSI) (Mexican Federation of Independent Scouts)
WFIS / Scout

Hermandad de Scouts Independientes de México
FISIT / Scout

Movimiento Scout Católico Mexicano
FSE / Scout

Asociación de Grupos Scouts de Mexico
NON / Scout / Siempre Listo ('Always Ready' in Spanish)

115. Micronesia

Scouting exists

116. Moldova

Associatia Nationala a Scoutilor din Moldova
WOSM (363) / Cercetas (Romanian) or Scout / Gata Oricând ('Always Ready' in Romanian)

117. Monaco

Association des Guides et Scouts de Monaco (AGSM)
WOSM+WAGGGS: WOSM (133) + WAGGGS (77) / Ranger / Scouts Toujours Prêts ('Scouts Always Ready' in French)

118. Mongolia

Mongoliyn Skautiyn Holboo
WOSM (9799) / Skaut / Belen Bol ('Become Prepared' in Mongol)

Girl Scout Association of Mongolia
WAGGGS (2097)

119. Montenegro

Savez Izvidaca Crne Gore (Scout Association of Montenegro)
WOSM (1738) / Izvidac / Budi Spreman ('Be Prepared' in Serbian)

120. Morocco

Fédération Nationale du Scoutisme Marocain
WOSM; umbrella federation with 3 sub-associations (12 304) / Kashaf / Kun Musta'idan ('Be Prepared' in Arabic) / Sois Prêt (in French)

Organisation du Scout Marocain
WOSM sub-association

Scoutisme Hassania Marocain
WOSM sub-association

Organisation Marocaine des Scouts et des Guides
WOSM sub-association

Association Scouts Arabe Sociale

Association Scouts du Maroc

Mouvement du Scoutisme marocain

Organisation du Scout Populaire

Organisation du Scoutisme marocain musulman

Organisation Scout Atlas

Organisation Scout National

Organisation Scoutisme Mohamedia Marocaine

Organisation Scouts sans frontières

Scoutisme Unifié au Maroc

121. Mozambique

Liga dos Escuteiros de Moçambique
WOSM (8692) / Explorador / Sempre Pronto ('Always Prepared' in Portuguese)

Mozambique Guides
NON / Guide

122. Myanmar (formerly Burma)

Myanmar Scout
WOSM (16 930)

Myanmar Girl Guides (MMGG)
WAGGGS (44 520)

123. Namibia

Scouts of Namibia
WOSM (3909) / Scout / Be Prepared / Wees geréed (in Afrikaans) / Seid bereit (in German)

The Girl Guides Association of Namibia
WAGGGS (485) / Guide

124. Nauru

nascent Scouting exists

125. Nepal

Nepal Scouts
WOSM+WAGGGS: (WOSM (49 152) + WAGGGS (31 392) / Tayar Hou ('Be Prepared' in Nepalese)

Metro Scouts, Nepal

Nepal Independent Scout Association

Nepal Peace Scouts
NON / Scout

126. Netherlands

Scouting Nederland (SN)
WOSM+WAGGGS: WOSM (55 890) + WAGGGS (55 870) / Scout / Wees Bereid ('Be Prepared' in Dutch)

Europascouts en Gidsen Nederland
FSE / Scout

FSE Federatie Scouting Europa Nederland
CES / Scout

Aruba [a constitutionally equal dependency of the Netherlands]

Scouting Aruba
WOSM (477) / Padvinder / Be Prepared / Semper Prepara (Papiamento) / Weest Paraat (Dutch)

Het Arubaanse Padvindsters Gilde
WAGGGS (351) / Padvindster

Netherlands Antilles [a constitutionally equal dependency of the Netherlands]

Scouting Antiano (Antillean Scouting)
WOSM (1143) / Sea prepará ('Be Prepared' in Papiamento) / Weest Paraat (in Dutch)

Asosiashon di Guia PNA
WAGGGS (220) / Guía / Sea prepará ('Be Prepared' in Papiamento)

127. New Zealand

SCOUTS Aotearoa
WOSM (18 724) / Scout / Be Prepared

GirlGuiding New Zealand
WAGGGS (11 391) / Guide / Be Prepared

Cook Islands [self-governing dependency of New Zealand]

Girl Guides Cook Islands Association
WAGGGS (367) / Guide

128. Nicaragua

Asociación de Scouts de Nicaragua
WOSM (1337) / Scout / Siempre Listos ('Always Ready' in Spanish)

Federación Nacional de Muchachas Guías de Nicaragua
WAGGGS (1375) / Guía

Scouts Independientes de Nicaragua
FISIT / Scout

129. Niger

Association des Scouts du Niger
WOSM (3300) / Scout / Sois Prêt (in French)

Mouvement des Guides et Eclaireuses du Niger
WAGGGS (2334) / Guide/Eclaireuse

130. Nigeria

The Scout Association of Nigeria
WOSM (750 073) / Scout / Be Prepared

The Nigerian Girl Guides Association
WAGGGS (118 642) / Guide / Be Prepared

Independent and Traditional Scouts Nigeria
FISIT / Scout

131. Norway

Speidernes Fellesorganisasjon (SF)
[Fellesrâdet for Speiderpiker i Norge (the Joint Committee of Girl Guides in Norway)—listed by WAGGGS as umbrella representative to WAGGGS for all Norwegian girls in KFUK & NSF]
WOSM+WAGGGS umbrella federation: WOSM (17 261) + WAGGGS (12 025)

Norges Speiderforbund (NSF)
WOSM+WAGGGS sub-association: WOSM / Stifinner/Vandrer (Speider) / Alltid Beredt ('Always Prepared' in Norwegian)

Norges KFUK-KFUM-speidere
WOSM+WAGGGS sub-association, YWCA/YMCA / Stifinner/Vandrer (Speider) / Alltid Beredt ('Always Prepared' in Norwegian)


Last Revision to This Page: 15 October 2023
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