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Troop 97 Website
Alphabetical Index by Topic


About Troop 97
Adult "Patrol"
Adult Scout Associations
Adults on Campouts (general info)
Adults on Campouts (Checklist for the Adult in Charge) (PDF)
Advancement (BSA)

Cub Scouts


Scout Advancement Summary (PDF)

Scout Requirements Book

Sea Scouts

Adventure / High Adventure
Adventure Weekend
Adventure West Council (former Longs Peak Council)
Adventure West Council history
Aims & Methods of Scouting (BSA)
Air Scouting/Air Explorers (BSA)
American Boy Scout(s) (William Randolph Hearst)
American Heritage Girls (Scout-like program)
Annual Report (Troop 97)
Arrow of Light Award, Cub Scouts BSA
AWANA (Scout-like program)


Backpack Trek Equipment List (PDF)
Baden-Powell, Robert (World Scouting Founder)

Author of first BSA Handbook

Founding of World Scouting
Beard, Dan (BSA founder)
Ben Delatour Scout Ranch (Adventure West Council)
Bike Safety BSA
Board of Review Form & Questions (PDF)
Books about Scouting & Scouting Founders
Boy Pioneers of America (later name of Sons of Daniel Boone)
Boy Scout Fieldbook
Boy Scout Fieldbook Covers
Boy Scout Handbook for girls
Boy Scout Handbook
Boy Scout Handbook Covers
Boy Scouts of America / BSA (see Scouting America)
Boyce, William (BSA founder)
Boys Brigade / Girls Brigade (Scouting predecessor)
Brownsea Island (aerial photo)


Caballero Aguila (Mexico highest award)
Caballero Scout Lempira (Honduras highest award)
Calvinist Cadet Corps (Scout-like program)
Camp Alexander (Pathway to the Rockies Council)
Camp Buffalo Bill (Adventure West Council)
Camp Cortlandt Dietler (Greater Colorado Council)
Camp Cris Dobbins (Greater Colorado Council)
Camp Fire (Scout-like program)—


and BSA
Camp Laramie Peak (Adventure West Council)
Camp Tahosa (Greater Colorado Council)
Campout Checklist, Weekend (PDF)
Campout Adult Leader Checklist (PDF)
Campout Planner Form (PDF; duty roster & menu planner)
Canoe Trek Equipment List (PDF)
Cavaleiro da Pátria (Portugal highest award)
Chief Commissioner's Gold Award (Canada Guiding highest award)
Chief Girl Scout Medal (Philippines Girl Scouting highest award)
Chief Scout Award (Ireland highest award)
Chief Scout's Top Award (Norway highest award)
Christian Service Brigade (Scout-like program)
Climb On Safely BSA
Colorado Scout Councils
Colorado—BSA Summer Camps in Colorado & Wyoming
Columbian Squires (Knights of Columbus) (Scout-like program)
Cóndor Scout (Chile highest award)
Confederation of European Scouts (CES)
Cost of Scouting (comparison chart)
Councils (BSA)
Cub Scouts BSA

Cub Scout Advancement

Cub Scouts BSA (general information)

Purposes & Methods of Cub Scouting


Denver Area Council (see Greater Colorado Council)
Divisa Scout (BSA Scout Slogan in Spanish)
Dolphin Award (Malta highest award)
Dragon Scout (Hong Kong highest award)
Driving Policy for Scouts (PDF)
Duty Roster for Campouts (PDF)


Eagle Award (Zambia highest award)
Eagle Knight (Mexico highest award)
Eagle Palms (BSA)
Eagle Scout (Philippines highest award)
Eagle Scout (US; BSA highest award)

Eagle Requirements since 1911

Is earning Eagle getting easier?

Highest Rank/Award in Many Countries

Resources / Service Projects
Eagle's Grip (Ukraine highest award)
Earth Champs / Earth Scouts (Scout-like program)
Elkhorn High Adventure Base (Adventure West Council)
Email the Scoutmaster
Equipment Lists

Backpack Trek Equipment List (PDF)

Canoe Trek Equipment List (PDF)

Weekend Campout Checklist (PDF)
Escoteiro da Pátria (Brazil highest award)
Expenses of Scouting (comparison chart)
Explorer Scouts (BSA)
Exploring/Explorers (BSA)


Facebook Page (T97)
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions about Troop 97)
Fédération Internationale des Scouts Indépendants et Traditionnels (FISIT)
Federation of European Scouting (FSE)
Fieldbook Covers
Financial Assistance (PDF)
Firecrafter (competitor program to Order of the Arrow)
Forsetamerkið (Iceland highest award)
Frontier Girls (Scout-like program)
Fuji Scout (Japan highest award)


Garuda Scout (Indonesia highest award)
"Gays, Girls, & God" (the "Three G's"; more)
"Geezer" (Adult) Patrol
GEMS Girls' Clubs (Scout-like program)
Girl Guides/Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA; general information)

Girl Scouts of Colorado Council

List of all GSUSA Local Councils


International Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting
Girl Scout Gold Award (US; GSUSA highest award)
Girls Brigade (Scouting predecessor)
Girls in Scouting America (BSA)
Girls & Boys in the BSA (quick Q&A) (PDF)
Girls in Troop 97?
God and Country (religious) Awards
Great Southwest Council
Greater Colorado Council (former Denver Area Council)


Handbook for Boys (early Scout Handbooks)
Handbook for Boys (current Scout Handbook, boys version)
Handbook for Girls (current Scout Handbook, girls version)
Handbook, Patrol Leader
Handbook, Scoutmaster
Handbook, Senior Patrol Leader
Handbook Covers
High Adventure
Highest Awards (BSA)

Cub Scouts


Sea Scouts

Highest Rank/Award in Many Countries

Australia, Bangladesh, Belize, Brazil, Brunei, Canada,

Chile, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Guatemala,

Honduras, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan,

Kenya, Kiribati, Korea, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Mexico,

Nepal, New Zealand, Panama, Philippines, Portugal,

Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tanzania,

Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Ukraine, United Kingdom,

United States, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Hillcourt, William "Green Bar Bill"

Author of Fieldbook

Author of Patrol Leader Handbook

Author of Scout Handbook (Ed 6/7)

Author of Scout Handbook (Ed 9)

Author of Scoutmaster Handbook

Photo of Hillcourt (with our Scoutmaster)
Historian Page

Scouting America (BSA)

Troop 97
Home Page


Ideales de Scouting (BSA, en español)
Ideals of Scouting (BSA)
Inclusivity in Scouting (BSA)
Información en español

for All Scouts

for New Scouts
International Scouting


Junior Forest Wardens (Scout-like program)


Kayaking Safety BSA
Kids for Earth (Scout-like program)
King Scout (Thailand highest award)
King's Scout (Malaysia highest award)
King's Scout / Queen's Scout (UK Commonwealth highest award)
Knights of Columbus—Columbian Squires (Scout-like program)


Law (BSA)
Law, Cub Scouts & Venturers (BSA)
Leadership Corps (BSA)
Learning for Life (BSA)
Lema Scout (BSA Scout Motto in Spanish)
Ley Scout (BSA Scout Law in Spanish)
LDS (Mormon) church & Scouting (BSA)
LGBT & Scouting (BSA)
Lion Scout highest Scouting award in—

Czech Republic (Lvi Scout), Kenya, Swaziland
Lone Scouts of America
Longs Peak Council (see Adventure West Council)
Lvi scout (Czech Republic highest award)


Master Camper Award
McNeil Scout Ranch at Peaceful Valley (Greater Colorado Council)
Member Secure Area
Menu Planner for Campouts (PDF)
Merit Badges

Eagle Merit Badges

Pictures of All BSA Merit Badges (PDF)
Methods of Scouting (BSA)
Mic-O-Say, Tribe of (competitor program to Order of the Arrow)
Motto (all Scout countries)
Motto (Scout Motto, BSA)
Mottos of all BSA traditional programs


Na Fianna Éireann (Soldiery of Ireland) (Scout-like program)
National Flower Class (Taiwan highest award)
National Scout/Guide Associations in Every Country
National Scout Organization Logos for Every Country
Navigators USA (Scout-like program)
New Scouts
Newsletter Quotations


Oath/Promise (BSA)
Order of the Arrow (BSA national honor society)
Order of World Scouts (OWS)
Organização Universal de Escoteiros Independentes e Tradicionais (ORUS)


Packing Checklists

Backpack Trek Equipment List (PDF)

Canoe Trek Equipment List (PDF)

Weekend Campout Checklist (PDF)
Parent Involvement (value)
Pathfinders (Scout-like program)
Pathway to the Rockies Council
Patrol Leader Handbook
Patrol Leader Handbook Covers
PDF Files (downloadable/printable files;
viewable with free Adobe Reader from—

Backpack Trek Equipment List

Board of Review Form & Questions

Canoe Trek Checklist

Driving Policy for Scouts

General Information Sheet

Girls & Boys in the BSA (quick Q&A)

New Scout Checklist

Policies & Procedures

Rank Requirements, 1910—present

Scout Advancement Summary

Scout Badges You Can Earn

Scout Handbook—Comparison Table of All Editions

Troop 97 Brochure

Troop 97 'Cost of Scouting' Brochure

Troop 97 Songs (4 of them)

Weekend Campout Checklist
Peaceful Valley Scout Ranch (Greater Colorado Council)
Pengakap Raja (Malaysia highest award)
Pengakap Sultan (Brunei highest award)
Photos of Troop Activities

on our Facebook page

on our troop historian's page
Pikes Peak Council (see Pathway to the Rockies Council)
Pioneer Clubs (Scout-like program)
Planet Earth Scouts (Scout-like program)
Plastun Skob / Plastunka Virlytsia (Ukraine highest Scouting/Guiding award)
Policies & Procedures (PDF) [troop & Scouting goals, troop organization,
Scout leadership, membership standards, troop activities, advancement,
uniform, finances, discounts / credits / financial assistance, miscellaneous other details]
Policies of this Website
Pramuka Garuda (Indonesia highest award)
President's Scout (Guide) / Award highest Scout award in—

Bangladesh, Iceland, India, Kiribati, Maldives, Nepal,

Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tanzanla, Trinidad & Tobago
Prix Aventurier de la Reine (Canada highest award)
Prix d'or de la commissaire générale (Canada Guiding highest award)
Promesa Scout (BSA Scout Promise in Spanish)
Promise (BSA)
Promise, Cub Scouts & Venturers (BSA)
Proskopos Dimokratias (Cyprus highest award)
Proskopou Ethnous (Greece highest award)
Purpose of Scouting


Quartermaster Award/Rank (BSA)
Queen's Guide highest Guiding award in—

Australia, New Zealand,, United Kingdom
Queen's Scout / King's Scout highest Scout award in—

Australia, Belize, New Zealand, United Kingdom
Queen's Venturer [perhaps King's Venturer] (Canada highest award)
Quest Award, Venturing BSA
Quest Clubs (Frontier Girls) (Scout-like program)
Quotations (for a Newsletter)


Ranger Award, Venturing BSA
Ranks for Cub Scouts BSA
Ranks for Scouts BSA

Board of Review Form & Questions (PDF)

Requirements Book

Highest Rank/Award in Many Countries

Pictures of BSA Ranks, 1911—today

Pictures of Curent BSA Ranks & Awards (PDF)

Rank Requirements, 1910—Today
Rashtrapati Scout / Guide (India highest award)
Religious Awards
Rockwell, Norman (BSA paintings)

4 Scout Handbook Covers

1 Scoutmaster Handbook Cover
Rocky Mountain Council (see Pathway to the Rockies Council)
Rocky Mountain High Adventure Base (Pathway to the Rockies Council)
Royal Ambassadors (Scout-like program)
Royal Rangers (Scout-like program)


Sable Award (Zimbabwe highest award)
"SAFE" Checklist (BSA)
Safe Swim Defense BSA
Safety Afloat BSA
Safety Plans for BSA Activities
St George's Award (UK/BPSA highest award)
San Isabel Scout Ranch (Pathway to the Rockies Council)
Scolarships (see Financial Assistance)
Scout Camps in Colorado & Wyoming
Scout Expenses (comparison chart)
Scout Fieldbook
Scout Handbook
Scout Handbook Covers
Scout Handbook for Girls
Scout Handbooks—Where to Buy and Sell
Scout Law (ealier versions)
Scout Law, Another Interpretation
Scout Law/Motto/Promise/Slogan
Scout Quetzal (Guatemala highest award)
Scout Urracá (Panama highest award)
Scouting Aims & Methods (BSA)
Scouting Alternative Organizations
Scouting America / Boy Scouts of America (BSA)

Age Requirements

Aims & Methods of Scouting

All Councils & Territories

Eagle Requirements since 1911

General Information

Girls in the BSA

Handbook Covers

Highest Award/Eagle Scout

Highest Award in Each Program Section


Ideals of Scouting (BSA)

Ideals of Scouting (BSA, in Spanish)


Law (earlier versions)


Methods of Scouts BSA

Program Summary (BSA)

Rank Requirements, 1910—present

Scout Advancement

Scout Handbook

Summer Camps in Colorado & Wyoming
Scouting Ideals
Scouting in Every Country
Scouting's International Organizations
Scout-like Organizations
Scoutmaster Handbook (Troop Leader Guidebook)
Scoutmaster Handbook Covers
Scuba Safety BSA
Sea Explorers (BSA)
Sea Scouts BSA

Sea Promise

Sea Scout Advancement

Sea Scouts BSA (general information)
Senior Patrol Leader Handbook
Senior Patrol Leader Handbook Covers
Service Project Ideas (Eagle Scouts)
Seton, Ernest Thompson (BSA founder)

Author of first BSA Handbook

Founding of BSA
Silver Award, Venturing BSA
Slogan (BSA)
Smith, Sir William (Boys Brigade)
Snorkeling Safety BSA
Songs for Troop 97 (PDF)
Sons of Daniel Boone (Daniel Beard)
Sons of Daniel Boone (Great Rivers Council camp program)
Spanish Peaks Scout Ranch (former Santa Fe Trail Council)
Speidersjefens Topputmerkelse (Norway highest award)
SpiralScouts (Scout-like program)
Springbok (South Africa highest award)
STEM Scouts (BSA)
Sultan Scout (Brunei highest award)
Summer Camps in Colorado & Wyoming
Summit Award, Venturing BSA


Tahosa High Adventure Base (Greater Colorado Council)
Tiger Cubs (BSA)
Tiger Scout (Korea highest award)
Trail Life USA (Scout-like program)
Training, Online BSA Training for Adults
Trek Safely BSA
Tri-Orli-Pera (Czech Republic highest award)
Tri Orlie Perá (Slovakia highest award)
Troop 97


Annual Report

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Girls in Troop 97?

Girls & Boys in the BSA (quick Q&A) (PDF)

High Adventure


Información en español

Information for All Troop 97 Scouts

Information for Troop 97 New Scouts

Master Camper Award


Photos of Troop Activities (on our Facebook page)

Policies & Procedures (PDF)


Scoutmaster's Knots?

Troop 97 Brochure (PDF)

Troop 97 'Cost of Scouting' Brochure (PDF)

Troop 97 Facts

Troop 97 History

Troop 97 Member Secure Area

Troop 97 Membership Data
Troop Leader Guidebook (formerly Scoutmaster Handbook)
Trust Award, Venturing BSA



Troop 97 Class 'A' Uniform (full uniform) (PDF)

Troop 97 Class 'B' Uniform (summer uniform) (PDF)

Troop 97 Options (insignia placement, prices, photos)

Where to Buy

Troop 97 Online Orders
US Boy Scout(s) (later name of American Boy Scout)


Varsity Scouting (BSA)
Varsity Scouting (BSA)[more]
Venture Scouts (BSA)
Venturing BSA

Venturer Advancement

Venturing BSA (general information)

Methods of Venturing
Voortrekkers (Scout-like program)


Wandervogel (Scouting predecessor)
Webelos Leaders, Secrets of Successful

About the Troop 97 Website

Characteristics of a Good Website
West, James (BSA first Chief Scout Executive)

and Camp Fire

Co-author of Fieldbook

Founding of BSA

and Patrol Leader Handbook
Western Colorado Council (see Greater Colorado Council)
Whitewater Safety BSA
Why Scouting?
Why Troop 97?
Woodcraft Organizations

IFM - SEI (Scout-like program)

Woodcraft Folk (Scout-like program)

Woodcraft Indians ('Seton's Indians')

Woodcraft League (later name of Woodcraft Indians)

Woodcraft Rangers (Scout-like program)
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)
World Federation of Democratic Youth (Scout-like program)
World Federation of Independent Scouts (WFIS)
World Organization of Independent Scouts (WOIS)
World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM)
World Scouting & International Scout Organizations

Scout/Guide Associations in Every Country

Highest Rank/Award in Many Countries

National Organization Logos for Every Country
Wyoming—BSA Summer Camps in Colorado & Wyoming


Yellowstone High Adventure Outfit (Adventure West Council)
Young Pioneers (Scout-like program)

Last Revision to This Page: 28 January 2025
Copyright © 1996-2025 by Troop 97 BSA