HOME—Troop 97—T97 FAQ—Question #6
Troop 97 FAQ
Question #6—Is T97 more expensive than most other troops?
When you add up all the expenses, Troop 97 costs less than most sports programs or other active troops.

- * Second- and later-year expenses are usually lower, since you won't have the 'start-up' costs, and you'll be earning discounts and other credits.
- ** Your Cub Scout pack may have already paid your 2025 BSA registration. If not, you'll pay BSA directly (online). Optional Scout Life magazine is also paid at the same time.
- *** Troop 97 also has a uniform exchange where you can buy uniform items for less than half the new price.
- **** Thanks to our Pasta Supper, the troop will cover $175 of the cost of 2025 summer camp.
- Only cost for most weekend campouts is a food allowance.
- Check out all those zeroes, where most troops charge extra.
For No Additional Charge
Most of these things cost extra in other troops, but are provided at no additional charge in Troop 97:
- Scout Handbook (saves you $25)
- T97 hat/neckerchief/slide, one-piece T97 numeral, nametag, Quality Unit badge, shoulder loops, patrol medallion, rank badge (saves you $60)
- Substantial reduction to the cost of BSA summer camp (saves you $175)
- We offer scholarships, too.

* Uniform & Scout Handbook
Here are the current costs if you buy a brand-new uniform. Note that our uniform exchange can provide most of the four items you need to buy for less than half the cost.
You need to buy:
- BSA shirt/pants or shorts/belt/socks
- Cost about $162
- Our uniform exchange can cut that in half or less.
The troop provides:
- Scout Handbook
- T97 hat, neckerchief & slide, one-piece troop numeral, nametag, shoulder loops, patrol medallion, rank badges, Quality Unit badge
- Saves you about $85
Last Revision to This Page: 24 October 2024
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