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BSA logoScouting America (BSA)original BSA logo

Scouting America Logo

Here are the basics about Scouting America:

Scouting America offers four traditional Scouting programs based on grade or age (Cub Scouts, Scouts, Sea Scouts, & Venturers). As of 12/2019, the Cub Scouts BSA plus Scouts BSA programs account for over 98% of traditional membership.

The BSA also has two non-traditional work- & school-based subsidiaries (Exploring & Learning for Life). As of 12/2023, these programs account for about 8% of total BSA youth participation. Note that the pilot STEM Scouts program has quietly been dropped, although local Councils may still operate a similar local program.

Traditional Programs

Cub Scouts BSA (mostly coed, Kindergarten through grade 5)

Scouts BSA (boys and girls, age 10/11 until 18)

Sea Scouts BSA (coed, age about 14 until 21)

Venturing BSA (coed, age about 14 until 21)


Last Revision to This Page: 9 February 2025
Text copyright © 1996-2025 by Troop 97 BSA
BSA logos are copyright © Scouting America