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Cub Scouts BSA
Age Requirements / Advancement / Highest Awards
- Note that all Cub Scouts are in a single unit called a pack.
- The former Tiger Cub program (begun in 1982) has finally been fully integrated into the Cub Scout pack. The term 'Tiger Cub' is now officially obsolete, and first-graders are called Tiger Cub Scouts or simply Tigers, and they work on the Tiger rank. The Tiger rank badge now shows a life-like drawing of a tiger (like other Cub Scout rank badges) instead of the former smiling cartoon tiger.
- A new Lions program became officially available nationwide in mid-2018. This is for kids in Kindergarten. Lions will pursue themed activities called "Adventures", and work toward the new Lion rank as members of a Lion den under the leadership of their den leaders (previously called 'Lion Guides'). Lions had worn just a T-shirt as a 'uniform', but now can wear the full blue Cub Scout uniform (with special Lions hat). The new Lion rank patch is a rectangular strip (BSA has dropped the earlier diamond-shaped patch), which can be sewn on the upper left of the Lions T-shirt or under the left pocket of the Cub Scout uniform shirt. This sure sounds exactly like the way Tiger Cubs started in 1982, right down to the T-shirts, limited pack participation, and the smiling cartoon mascot. Already BSA has started allowing Lions to attend pack meetings and take part in the Pinewood Derby. The new Lion rank should not be confused with the old Lion rank (Cub Scouting's original highest rank), which was discontinued in 1967 when the Webelos program expanded to a full year.
- Cub Scouts in Kindergarten through grade 3 wear a blue uniform with a different neckerchief, slide, and hat to denote their level. Webelos (grade 4) also wear the blue uniform, and switch to the tan Scout uniform as they approach grade 5 and become Arrow of Light ("AOL") Scouts. This means that parents get to buy a new hat, neckerchief, slide, and Handbook every year in Cub Scouts.
- Cub Scouts no longer have a separate Cub Scout Promise and Law of the Pack, but now learn the same Scout Oath and Scout Law as Scouts.
- Cub Scouting is coed as of 2018, though packs can choose to be male-youth only, female-youth only, or mixed. Dens in mixed packs may now be either single-gender or mixed.
- The Academics and Sports belt loops program has been discontinued, and gold & silver arrow points (which were a pain to sew on) are gone. In their place are adventure loops (for Cub Scouts) and adventure pins (for Webelos Scouts).
- The older Cub Scouts are called Webelos or Webelos Scouts (rather than Webelos Cub Scouts) in grade 4, and Arrow of Light (or AOL) Scouts in grade 5. Note that 'Webelos' is always spelled with the 's'; the often-used term 'Webelo' is not correct. Note also that as of 1 June 2024, fifth graders are no longer called Webelos.
- Although Akela (term for any adult leader) is still around, Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book (the original basis for the Cub Scout program) has been de-emphasized.
- Cub Scouting adults are coed, with all positions open to those 21 or older, and only Assistant Cubmaster, Assistand Den Leader, & Assistant Webelos Den Leader open to those ages 18 to 20.
Program Level |
Minimum Age |
Maximum Age |
Highest Rank |
Neckerchief |
Lions or
Lion Cub Scouts |
Kindergarten |
Kindergarten |

Lion rank |
Tigers or
Tiger Cub Scouts |
Kindergarten |
grade 1 |

Tiger rank |
Wolves or
Wolf Cub Scouts |
grade 1 |
grade 2 |

Wolf rank |
Bears or
Bear Cub Scouts |
grade 2 |
grade 3 |

Bear rank |
Webelos Scouts |
grade 3 |
grade 4 |

Webelos rank * |
AOL Scouts |
grade 4 |
grade 5 |

Arrow of Light rank * |
- *Note that a fifth grader can now earn the Arrow of Light rank without earning the Webelos rank (change since 2014). Note also that effective 1 June 2024, fourth graders will not be allowed to start any Arrow of Light requirements.
- The Wolf neckerchief was changed from yellow to red when the new Lion program adopted a yellow neckerchief (the red color matches the background of the Wolf rank badge).
- At some point, the background of the Bear rank badge was changed from green to light blue to match the Bear neckerchief.
- Cub Scouts & Webelos Scouts & AOL Scouts wear every rank badge they have earned.
- All Cub Scout progression and ranks are based on grade.

First four rank badges as sewn on left pocket |

original Bobcat pin |

former Bobcat badge
(discontinued 2024) |

former Lion badge |

former Tiger Cub badge |

former Bear badge
(green background) |

original Lion rank
(pre-1967) |
Revised Cub Scout Program (effective 1 June 2024)
- All six Cub Scout ranks now follow a standard pattern, each consisting of six required "Adventures" and two elective "Adventures". Each Adventure will have its own belt loop (first four ranks) or pin (last two ranks).
- Bobcat has been discontinued as a rank. Instead, the first Adventure for each rank will be called Bobcat, consisting of character & leadership requirements specifically tailored to that grade level.
- The six ranks are Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light.
- The Arrow of Light program is designed to prepare and lead fifth graders into a Scout troop.
- The rectangular Lion rank patch has reverted back to the original diamond-shaped patch.
Age Requirements/Advancement/Highest Awards—
Last Revision to This Page: 12 October 2024
Text copyright © 2011-24 by Troop 97 BSA
Images are copyright © Scouting America