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Scouts BSA
Age Requirements / Advancement / Highest Awards
- Scout troops were male only from 1910 until 2019, when girls were allowed to become Scouts and to earn the Eagle Scout award (officially called the Eagle rank). For now, boys and girls must be in separate troops, although a boy troop and a girl troop at the same chartering organization are officially called 'linked' troops and can both share the same troop number and be operated by a single troop committee.
- Note that the former Varsity Scout program has been discontinued by BSA (as of 1/1/2018). This optional, little-used, predominantly LDS program was discontinued by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the end of 2017.
- Scouts BSA adults are coed, with all positions open to those 21 or older, and only Assistant Scoutmaster open to those aged 18 to 20.
Minimum Age |
Maximum Age |
Highest Award |
age 11 OR
age 10 & earned Arrow of Light OR
age 10 & after March 1 of fifth grade |
until age 18 |

Eagle Scout |
Advancement for Scouts
- Scouts wear only the highest rank earned.
- All ranks must be earned in order.
- The first four ranks cover basic Scout skills. The Scout rank was added in January, 2016 (the previous 'Scout Badge' was not a rank).
- The higher three ranks include merit badges, service, and leadership.
- Although Eagle is the highest rank, an Eagle Scout can earn an Eagle Palm for every 5 additional merit badges (active service also required). Note that the Silver Palm is higher than the Gold Palm!
Pictures of Older Rank Badges
All Rank Requirements, Tenderfoot through Eagle Scout, 1910—Present
Other Advancement-related Badges & Awards
Interpreter Badges / Religious Award |
BSA Aquatic Awards |
Leave No Trace / Scout World Conservation Award |
Age Requirements/Advancement/Highest Awards—
Last Revision to This Page: 9 May 2024
Text copyright © 2011-24 by Troop 97 BSA
Images are copyright © Scouting America