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Morris-Sussex Area Council (1936-99)All BSA Local Councils Indian Trails Council (1972-95)

The first PDF file below lists all 235 current local Councils of the Boy Scouts of America (plus five official "sub-Councils", as of 3/2025). The second PDF file lists most former as well as current BSA Councils (just over 2000 Councils!). [See further below for a PDF file listing all current Councils of the Girl Scouts of the USA.]

Special Information

"Mega" Councils

US Territories

Five US territories have permanent non-military populations:

Territories in the Caribbean Sea

Territories in the Pacific Ocean (all part of Hawaii's Aloha Council)

Councils that cover exactly one state (no more, no less)

Councils that cover an entire state plus more

Island Councils (Councils that are located entirely on islands)

States with the most Councils

The only State that doesn't have an in-state Council Headquarters

Council Name Facts (interesting or otherwise)

Longest Council Name

Shortest Council Names

Council Names that are Too Popular (four pairs of Councils have identical or confusingly similar names)

Most Common Words

Compass Directions (31 Councils use points of the compass)

Colors (11 Councils have a color in their name)

Numbers (4 Councils have a number in their name)

People or Places Named for People

Special Note on Names of US Presidents

I've spotted only seven US Presidents with councils bearing their first & last names (counting U.S. Grant). There have been additional councils with just the last name of a president, but usually these were named after a city or county or river or other location that was named after the president rather than named directly for the president.

Councils, Regions, Areas, & CST's

At first, the national BSA office supported troops directly, while allowing any group of men to form a local council to meet the needs of their community. In 1913, BSA began issuing charters to 'First Class' and 'Second Class' councils. First Class councils served areas with large populations and could afford to pay a full-time Scout Executive. Second Class councils were run by volunteers. By 1945 there were 549 local councils. The trend ever since has been to consolidate, with 243 councils as of April 2024.

To coodinate councils and build Scouting, the national office first created 8 large Sections covering the continental US in 1913:

In 1921, the Sections were reorganized into 12 Regions, which coincided with the twelve US Federal Reserve districts. These regions were numbered rather than named, using roman numerals I through XII.

In 1972, the twelve regions were consolidated into six named Regions:

In 1992, the six regions were further consolidated into four named Regions:

In 2021, BSA consolidated/reorganized the 27 areas of those four regions into 16 numbered National Service Territories. These were further reorganized and consolidated into 14 numbered Council Service Territories in 2024 (still numbered from 1 through 16, but omitting numbers 2 & 11).

Girl Scout Councils

The Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) also divide the country into Councils. Here is a PDF file showing all 111 local GSUSA Councils plus their 'overseas' council & headquarters city/state.

Last Revision to This Page: 4 March 2025
Text copyright © 2021-25 by Troop 97 BSA
Council Shoulder Patches are copyright © by their respective Councils