HOME—Troop 97—Troop 97 Facts
About Troop 97
Troop 97 Facts

Archery at Summer Camp

Preparing to Explore a silver & gold mine
that dates from the 1870's
- Troop 97 began in March, 1952.
- The troop failed in 1956.
- The troop began anew in June, 1959, and has been in continuous existence since then.
- The 'linked' Troop 97 for girls began in 2019, when BSA first allowed girls in Scout troops.
- In 2024, the 'linked' boys and girls Troop 97's merged together into one troop, when the BSA invited us to be take part in their 'Combined Troop Pilot Program'.
- We formerly met at St Luke's Episcopal Church from 1952 until the start of the pandemic in March 2020.
- We are now chartered (sponsored) by Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1709 W Elizabeth St, Fort Collins, CO.
- Our troop is open and welcoming.
Membership Data (as of August 2024)
- 36 Scouts (boys & girls)
- 17 current active uniformed adult leaders, plus another 32 registered adults in committee and other positions.
- More than 50 adults cover numerous support and troop committee roles, including providing merit badge counselors for almost every one of Scouting's 130+ merit badges.
- 8 middle schools (grades 6-8)
- 6 high schools (grades 9-12)
Former Cub Scouts/Webelos
- 69% of our Scouts earned the Arrow of Light as Cub Scouts
- 67% of our Scouts joined directly from a Cub Scout pack (from 6 different packs)
- 17% of our Scouts had been in another troop, either local or in another state
- 17% of our Scouts had never been in Scouting until they joined T97
Eagle Scouts
- 26% of all Troop 97 Scouts since 1979 have earned Scouting's highest rank (21% since the troop's founding in 1952)
- 207 Troop 97 Scouts have earned Eagle, 169 since 1979
- Four of our female Scouts have already earned Eagle, including Larimer County's first female Eagle Scout.
Jeff Snowden is the troop's 16th Scoutmaster. He has:
- been in Scouting continuously since 1959
- been a Scoutmaster since 1967
- been with Troop 97 since 1978
- been involved in Scout and adult leadership training for the district, Council, and Region since 1968, including serving as course director for Scouting's week-long Wood Badge advanced adult training course
- been awarded the Silver Beaver (national BSA award for service to youth) and the Episcopal St George Award (national award of the Episcopal Church for service to youth)
- What are all those knots?
Last Revision to This Page: 21 August 2024
Copyright © 1996-2024 by Troop 97 BSA